Experience museum © Stadtmuseum Teterow



Town Museum

Südliche Ringstraße 1, 17166 Teterow

  • Guided tours on request.

Admission prices

Single Ticket Adults:
2,00 €
Single Ticket Reduced:
1,00 €
Family Ticket:
3,00 €
View of the exhibition © Stadtmuseum Teterow
Vacation attraction: Laundry anno 1900 © Stadtmuseum Teterow
View into the potato cellar © Stadtmuseum Teterow


Historical building with steep stairs, outdoor area barrier-free

General information:

The structural renovation of the museum buildings and the subsequent redesign of the city history exhibitions until 2017 have significantly increased the attractiveness of the town museum. In this way, the history of the site and its architecture becomes interesting for visitors of all ages through the inclusion of various multimedia and museum-didactic forms of exhibition.

From the Middle Ages to the political turnaround in 1989/90, the history of the city is marked out. One room is dedicated to the stories of the shield-bearers, the most famous of which is the story of the Teterow pike.

Special exhibitions on various topics are shown regularly.

Especially during the summer vacations the Town Museum Teterow offers its visitors a little journey into the past. Whether milling flour on early trough mills and baking bread flats, washing as in 1900 or getting to know historical tools from the house and farm - participation and trying them out is explicitly welcomed, also at the various town festivals in Teterow!

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